With thousand lights of action/Dignity at Qutub Minar, New Delhi
NACDOR launched global civil society campaign ‘action/2015’ in India
January 15th, about a thousand people - children from slums, youth from colleges and Universities, workers, civil society members lighted a thousand candles for Action and Dignity at the historically iconic Qutub Minar in New Delhi today and launched the global civil society campaign ‘action/2015’ under the action/Dignity 2015.
National Confederation of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR), the largest national platform of 2100 Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim organisations in India, and a leading partner of this global campaign in India, launched action/2015 in India as part of this global campaign in which activities are taking place in more than 50 countries organised by more than 100 organisations all around the world from Lebanon and Liberia to Nigeria and Norway to South Africa and Sri Lanka. Under the campaign, civil society organisations, youth, children, women, poor, socially excluded communities are drawing the attention of the world leaders on the urgency to address poverty eradication, inequalities and climate change issues as the priority development goals. It may be noted that the Head of States/Governments from all over the world are expected to meet at the United Nations this September and will decide on the common global development goals for the next 15 years.
NACDOR organised action/2015 launch activities at three places today. During the day, more than 2000 students gathered at Ambedkar Inter College , Inder Garhi, Ghaziabad ( U P ) and highlighted the need for providing free, good and equal quality education to all children in India without any socio-economic discrimination. With powerful expressions by the students, thousands of balloons of hopes were released on the occasion making the sky flooded with action/2015 slogans on nutrition, education, water, sanitation, dignity and fair share. At Pundri, Kaithal ( Haryana), hundreds of Dalits gathered and demanded for distribution of lands to them for their dignified life under action/Land 2015.
At the historic Qutub Minar, New Delhi, children and women from slums, students from colleges, social activists and citizens from different socio-cultural background gathered and lighted a thousand candles for action to ensure dignity of all poor, women, Dalits, Adivasis and minorities in the country. They also carried attractive play-cards and banners in support of their demands for dignity, education, land, nutrition, water and sanitation, Fair Share etc. Songs of hope were presented. Community members and social activists shared their views and demands.

Speaking on action/2015 during this launch event, Mr. Ashok Bharti , Chairman , National Confederation of Dalit Organisations highlighted the deficits in realisation of the millennium development goals and said: “When Millennium Development Goals were adopted by most governments of the world at the U N summit in September 2000, they generated a new hope among victims of poverty, inequality and discrimination in the world, especially the scheduled castes and tribes across the religions in India. But those hopes were not fulfilled. The new 15 year goals should focus on the socially excluded communities and eradication of poverty and inequalities for sustainable development.”
Mr Rajesh Upadhyay, convenor National Alliance for Labour Rights, sought assurance for the social securities of 500 million workers in the unorganised sector, living wages, dignity and decent working conditions and pro-worker legal environment.
Ms. Sumedha Baudh from Rashtriya Dalit Mahila Andolan demanded protection of Dalit women from violence through securing right to water and sanitation. Mr Sanjay, General Secretary, Rashtriya Dalit Mahasabha and Dalit Adivasi Land Rights Movement highlighted the demand of 5 acres of agricultural land to each Dalit – Adivasi family with additional 200 sq. mtr plots for residence. Mr Sukant Behera, from National campaign on Nutrition for Dignity, highlighted the need to eradicate malnutrition, and equal and dignified access to resources ensuring nutrition and food security and 100 percent quality and inclusive delivery of government’s nutrition programmes. Mr Umesh Babu, from Fair Share Campaign urged for stronger affirmative action by private sector companies in favour of SCs/STs. Dr Mohammad Mukhtar Alam from National Forum of Muslim Organisations spoke about the low development indicators among the Muslim communities in India and stated that the religious minorities should be treated with dignity and shall have equal rights of development. Ms Archana from Youth Dignity Forum, appealed for good quality education, jobs, entrepreneurship skills and a youth led development and government.
As part of action/2015 NACDOR, is organising more than 100 programmes to strengthen the calls to ensure that world leaders commit to a better world. Throughout 2015, NACDOR will provide ways for communities and social organisations in India to get involved in influencing the outcomes of these global debates that could achieve an end to poverty in all its forms; the meeting of fundamental rights, tackling inequality and discrimination through large scale engagement of Scheduled Castes , Scheduled Tribes and religious minorities specially Muslims in India
Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Prize winner who put her life on the line for the right to education, announced action/2015 when she accepted the Nobel Peace Prize and said "People globally want an end to injustice, poverty and illiteracy. Our world is interconnected and youth are ready and mobilised more than ever to see real change take place. Together, we are demanding our leaders to take action in 2015 and we must all do our part.”