National Confederation of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR) is a national platform of Dalit Organisations in India. NACDOR is committed to an inclusive, progressive, secular, democratic and non-sectarian society. While firmly believing in equality, social justice and equal dignity for all, NACDOR promotes democracy, human rights, sustainable development and peace and reconciliation with the perspective of the socially excluded Dalits

Founded by the Centre for Alternative Dalit Media (CADAM) in 2001, NACDOR is a membership-based platform. Its membership is open to all organisations working for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Minorities and other socially excluded sections of Indian society. It has evolved organically through a democratic process of creative engagement of the Dalit community with secular, democratic and progressive forces, civil society and governance structures at various levels in Indian Society.

Led by Dalits, NACDOR works towards the advancement of socially excluded sections through innovative programmes, enabling strategies, and community based interventions that tap on the synergies of various stakeholders working towards the goals of social, economic, cultural and political empowerment of Dalits and other.

While firmly believing that the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes are the most vulnerable, excluded and disadvantaged in India, NACDOR emphasizes that the emancipatory efforts of these historically marginalized sections can only be successful if they lead the movement for the betterment of all the poor, excluded and marginalized with their stake and participation. Therefore, NACDOR works to complement the struggles of women, the working class, the poor, deprived and discriminated on any grounds.

NACDOR has been successful in impacting Dalit discourse within and outside the country. Among its successes include the founding of the World Dignity Forum and spearheading 5th December as World Dignity Day – International Day of the Socially Excluded. NACDOR is now recognised as a representative of Dalits in India’s Civil Society Movement.

Innovative in its work and strategy, NACDOR institutionalized policy advocacy and understanding on ‘Budget and Development Planning’ for Dalits and founded platforms of Dalits such as the Rashtriya Dalit Mahasabha, the Rashtriya Dalit Mahila Andolan and the Akhil Bhartiya MGNREGA Mazdoor Union.

NACDOR has enlarged the Dalit agenda, engaged with Government on Development Planning and the Annual National Budget, and has influenced private sector organisations such as the Confederation of Indian Industry to implement Affirmative Action policies and institutionalize Dalit Civil Society through various enabling mechanisms, including raising resources, building capacities and providing critical leadership to build perspective.

Headquartered in New Delhi, NACDOR is run by a team of professionals led by its Chief Executive Officer.


NACDOR’s vision is to build a Prabuddha Samaj (Enlightened Society) based on the principles of dignity, justice, equality, freedom and fraternity. We strive for ecological balance and active peace and work towards equal access and rights over resources and services, without any prejudice, discrimination or exclusion on any basis, including caste, class, race, gender, age, religion, abilities, regions, language or property. We strive for a society where human rights and equal dignity of all are respected and there is no place for exploitation or oppression.


NACDOR will strive to build a strong emancipatory movement of Dalits and other disadvantaged sections in India, which can re-structure the existing social-economic-political-cultural structures in line with the aspiration and dreams of Dalits and other disadvantaged communities.

NACDOR’s work will primarily focus on the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBCs), Minorities and other socially excluded sections of Indian Society, which have been largely identified as disadvantaged groups in India’s Constitution.


Initiated by Centre for Alternative Dalit Media (CADAM, National Confederation of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR) was launched at the dawn of the 20th century in a three-day National Conference of Dalit Organisations held from 8th – 10th December in 2001 in New Delhi. This first ever held National Conference of Dalit Organisations launched the Self Help Movement of the Dalits and adopted a programme enlarging the Dalit Agenda, incorporating socio-economic and political issues.

In 2002, it continued to carry out its efforts to build a truly National Platform by organising several regional conferences in various parts of the country. A Regional Dalit Conference of Dalit Organisations (RECDOR) was organised at Pinjore in Kalka in Haryana for two days from 26th to 27th April 2002, launching its efforts to educate the marginalised Dalits in Northern India about the necessity of building and joining the National Platform. More than 600 participants from all over Haryana and eight other states of north India participated in the conference. This Regional Conference of Dalit Organisations instilled confidence and developed a sense of belonging among the Dalits of Haryana who are now asserting their rights towards equal dignity.

In June 2002, NACDOR, in association with CADAM, organised a Consultation on the Approach Paper of the 10th Five Year Plan and submitted a memorandum highlighting the complete marginalisation of the Dalits in the 10th Five Year Plan. The consultation was the first of its kind by any civil society organisation and it exposed how the Dalits were getting a raw deal in Development Planning since Independence. The Consultation and the press release issued got noticed by the Government, who clarified that the interests of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes would be protected.

In September 2002, a State Conference of Dalit Organisations was organised in Rampur in Uttar Pradesh. The Conference proceedings were noticed and the same was published in the Sunday Magazine of The Hindu newspaper as “A Statement of Self Confidence ”. The newspaper also covered NACDOR’s statement on the lynching of Dalits in Jhajjar in Haryana.

In November 2002, the NACDOR leadership, in association with several progressive and democratic organisations, organised a dialogue between the Dalits and the various shades of the Left and Communist parties at Jhusi in Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. Mr. Prakash Karat, Mr. D. Raja, Ms. Subhashini Ali, Dr. Meena Radhakrishna, Dr. D. Prempati, Mr. Kanwal Bharti, and NACDOR’s Chairman Mr. Ashok Bharti were among the prominent leaders who participated in this Dalit-Left Dialogue.

In January 2003, NACDOR participated in the Asia Social Forum and made its presence felt in Hyderabad. NACDOR realised the absence and complete marginalisation of North Indian and Ambedkarite stream of Dalits and strongly advocated the pan-religion, pan-community and pan-region mobilisation of Dalits in such processes, which had its basis in open processes. NACDOR also cautioned the organisers to take note of hegemonic tendencies of cash-rich NGOs deliberately and consistently excluding organic and real grassroots leadership of Dalits and their organisations from North, Central and Western India and sought corrective action by the founders, supporters and solidarity organisations of the World Social Forum Process. NACDOR insisted that Dalit Movement was a rainbow of identities and organisations and it has to be respected and encouraged.

In January 2003, at the invitation of the International Organising Committee of the World Social Forum, NACDOR leadership participated in the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre and highlighted the visible absence of representatives of Brazilian Blacks, Afro-Descendent and indigenous population in the World Social Forum.

In 2003, NACDOR became part of the organising committee of the World Social Forum in India and NACDOR’s National Coordinator (Currently Chairperson) Mr. Ashok Bharti was elected one of the five conveners in the first meeting of the World Social Forum in Nagpur. Mr. Bharti was also made member of the Drafting Committee that prepared the basic document that established the working principle for organising the World Social Forum in India. NACDOR provided sterling leadership to the Dalit Sector in the World Social Forum and introduced the Dignity Discourse there.

Throughout 2003, NACDOR organised several consultations and mobilised Dalits from all over India to participate in the Mumbai World Social Forum in 2004. It promoted the idea of dignity as a common concern for the discriminated and socially excluded around the globe. On 6th December 2003, it organised a massive Dalit Rally at Faral in Haryana.

In 2003 NACDOR played a key role in organising the World Social Forum in Mumbai. It conceptualised, founded, promoted and organised World Dignity Forum on 19th January 2004 at the World Social Forum in Mumbai. More than 8,000 people from more than 50 countries participated in this first ever World Dignity Forum. On 17th January NACDOR organised 1000 Lights of Dignity, which is an annual programme of NACDOR.

After the hugely successful organising of the World Dignity Forum on 19th January 2004 in Mumbai at the World Social Forum, NACDOR consolidated the concept and organised a review of the programme in February 2004 in Delhi, where activists and NACDOR leaders from all over India participated.

In 2004, NACDOR decided to observe World Dignity Day – International Day of Socially Excluded on 5th December. A three-day programme on World Dignity Day was observed in from 4th to 6th December 2004. On 4th December, NACDOR organised a Dalit Muslim Mahapanchayat at Ram Lila Grounds in New Delhi. More than 5,000 Dalit Muslims from all over India participated in the Mahapanchayat.

On 5th December, more than 50,000 people gathered and had a huge Dalit Dignity Rally at the Ram Lila Grounds. Grass root leaders of Dalits from all over India participated in the programme and resolved to have this Dalit Dignity Rally annually.

On 6th December, more than 5,000 Musahars organised Mushar Mang Diwas (Mushar Demand Day) and they marched to the Parliament to press for their demands.

In January 2005, NACDOR, in association with the Landless Peoples’ Movement or the MST in Brazil, organised a World Dignity March on the occasion of World Social Forum and this march merged with the traditional march of the World Social Forum. In World Social Forum in 2005, NACDOR in association with Heinrich Boell Foundation and MST organised a World Dignity Forum. In 2005, NACDOR and its brainchild World Dignity Forum were invited by the International Organising Committee of the World Social Forum to inaugurate the World Social Forum 2005 in Porto Alegre.

In 2005, NACDOR began to work on Millennium Development Goals and started its Blue Badge Campaign. This campaign constantly highlighted the poverty of the Dalits. On 5th December 2005, Salil Shetty, Global Director of the UN Millennium Campaign, formally launched the Campaign and later released the “Status Report on MDGs and Dalits ”.

In 2006, NACDOR, in association with PILER, organised a World Dignity Forum at the Karachi World Social Forum. It also participated in several other conferences and highlighted the issues of social exclusion.

In 2006, NACDOR organised the Rozgar Adhikar Yatra in Uttar Pradesh that persuaded the then Uttar Pradesh Government to implement the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). The success of the Rozgar Adhikar Yatra was replicated successfully in Madhya Pradesh and the learnings used in organizing Shiksha Adhikar Yatra in Haryana in 2007. In the aftermath of Khailanji incidence where Surekha Bhotmange and her mother were brutally murdered in Maharashtra, NACDOR met the Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh and presented a Memorandum to him. Dr. Manmohan Singh made a promise to improve the resource allocation to the SC/ST and Muslims.

In 2007, NACDOR, in association with CADAM and Haryana Prathamic Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad, organised the Shiksha Adhikar Yatra covering all 20 districts of Haryana in more than 5,800 villages.

IN 2007, NACDOR organised the second National Conference of Dalit Organisaitons or NACDOR-II, which was inaugurated by Dr. Hamid Ansari, the Hon’ble Vice-President of India. This Conference decided to change the name of NACDOR from National Conference of Dalit Organisations to National Confederation of Dalit Organisations and decided to institutionalise the platform formally.

In 2008, National Confederation of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR) received recognition from Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations, who invited the Chairman of the National Confederation of Dalit Organisations to the High Level Event on MDGs at the UN General Assembly in New York. In November 2008, NACDOR got another recognition when its Chairman was invited to the first World Conference of Shared Societies by the Club de Madrid headed by Mr. Bill Clinton, former President of the United States of America. NACDOR Chairman met Mr. Clinton there.

In 2009, NACDOR accelerated its work on Reservation in the Private Sector. Capacity building, policy dialogues, lobbying and advocacy events were organised to create an enabling environment. Dr. J. J. Irani, Chairman of the Affirmative Action Council of Confederation of Indian Industry, was invited to have a dialogue with the grassroots Dalit Leaders from all over India. It was followed up by a policy dialogue. NACDOR was invited to give a presentation in the Affirmative Action Council of CII.

In 2010, NACDOR continued its work and began its major educational intervention in Bundelkhand, known as Bundelkhand Shiksha Abhiyaan. NACDOR was invited to be the member of the Mid-term Evaluation Committee of the Planning Commission. NACDOR’s Annual Memorandum to the Prime Minister and request for through review of SCSP/TSP resulted in setting up of a Committee headed by Dr. Narendra Jadhav. NACDOR participated in and gave critical inputs to all consultations.

In 2011, NACDOR continued its engagement with the Private Sector, Government, and with the civil society on inclusion of Dalits. NACDOR forged a partnership with UNICEF Uttar Pradesh and undertook a Social Inclusion Appreciation Workshop for the UP UNICEF partners. NACDOR Chairman was appointed to the two steering committees of the Planning Commission meant for the 12th Five Year Plan.

In 2012, NACDOR invited Mr. Jay Naidoo, Chairman of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, General Secretary of Confederation of South African Trade Unions and formerly Minister in the Nelson Mandela Government in South Africa. NACDOR initiated its work on Water, Sanitation, Health and Social Exclusion.